Monday, March 22, 2010

Maya's 2 Year Checkup

We took Maya in to see Dr. Wu today. She is a big girl weighing in at 35lbs!!!! She is as healthy as can be. Here are a few fun facts about Maya:

  • She doesn't like any sort of vegetables, the only thing I can get her to eat is sweet potato fries

  • Her favorite color is pink. She has to wear something pink everyday whether that be pink socks, pink shoes, pink shirt or pink pants. I even painted her toes and fingers with pink nail polish...I'm telling you the girl is obsessed with pink.

  • Her favorite movie right now is Princess and the Frog

  • Her best friends are Preston, Naomi and Romy

  • Her favorite thing to do is go over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and kick the soccer ball with Papa

  • Her favorite books right now are her Princess book collection she got for her birthday

  • Oh and she is already planning her next birthday party, she asks everyone "You wanna come to my berday?"

  • She has only gone #2 once since we got her a big girl pody but we are not rushing it, we are just getting her familiar with it.

  • She loves the park and going to feed the ducks. Whenever we ask her what she wants to do, this is usually the first thing she will say

My baby girl is growing up so fast which makes me a little sad, but I love how she amazes me everyday with all the new things she learns. She is so precious and the light of my life!

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