Friday, December 26, 2008

Day with Tay Tay and Nay Nay

Ms. Paula's was closed the day after Christmas so Taya took care of Maya for me. She had a blast hanging with Taya and Naomi and playing all day long. Auntie Tay Tay said she was a pretty good girl too!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Spoiled Rotten

Daddy was coaching her on how to open presents, Daddy's so funny.

Maya loves to chew on anything and everything. This was from Paula and Ron, it is a night light for her bedroom

ABC Drum from Daddy

Chillin in her new highchair from Daddy. I thought he did pretty good picking this one out!

More concerned about the camera then the task at hand!

This year was Maya's first taste of presents and I think she's hooked. She loved the wrapping paper and making a mess. DJ and I got a kick out of watching her do it! We all had a great day together, not only did our baby get spoiled rotten but DJ made an awesome turkey dinner and to top it all off it snowed all day long!!! What an awesome day of giving and family!

~ The view from our back porch ~

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve with DJ's family

On our way to the party
Getting spoiled by the family...she wasnt quite sure how to open up the presents so Daddy helped her

Apparently she was very happy with what she got :)

On Christmas Eve we went over to DJ's Aunt Claudia's house and had a great time with the family. Many of them hadn't seen Maya since she was about a month old so it was great for her and them to spend some time together. All of DJ's cousins loved holding her and playing with her and Maya got a kick out of them too. She was also spoiled rotten by the fam and all the gifts they gave her. We all had a wonderful time being together!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Scholar

Looking at the animals

Posing for the camera

Concentrating really hard

Maya and her Monkey
Here is our oh so intelligent baby reading her first book. Actually she really likes just looking at the pictures and then eventually chewing on the corners but whatever.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Me and My Boo

We had yet another snow storm come in so DJ and I decided to take a walk in our own little winter wonderland! :)

Maya's 9 month appointment

23 pounds of the cutest baby you have ever seen! ha!
Her nose is still a little snotty from the cold she had last week

Sitting like a big girl!

Maya turned 9 months old on Sunday so we took her appointment yesterday afternoon. DJ had to work so my Mom helped me by picking Maya up and I met them at the doctor's office. Maya is 23 pounds and a little over 30 inches long. She is off the charts in weight, height and head circumference. She is the size of a 12 months old! :) She also had a nasty ear infection last week that has cleared up beautifully! She met all of her milestones plus some. She says Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, No and Baba. She also will randomly say other stuff but those are the main words she is using right now. Her favorite game is peek-a-boo and she loves to clap for anything and everything and wave Bye Bye. She also is pointing which I guess is advanced for her age. Mrs. Paula has taught them to point instead of grab at things so Paula can be thanked for that! She had a few shots but calmed down once we gave her a bottle and held her for a little bit. All and all it was a good appointment. I cant a believe how fast my little girl is growing! It makes me sad. I want her to stay little forever!

Let it snow Let it snow Let it SNOW!!!!!

Daddy and Maya in the snow this morning
: Baby Girl :

Our street ~ Isnt it beautiful!

One of the many pictures that didnt turn out that well...oh well you get the idea!

Washington has been getting hit hard lately with some crazy winter weather. This last weekend its snowed which was technically Maya's second snow because it snowed in May last year when she was a few months old. Anyways, Saturday night we went for a drive and got some dinner but first I tried to take a few pics in the snow with Maya but it didn't really work out. We are supposed to get more tonight and over the weekend so it should be fun! I love the snow so much I could just sit for hours watching it snow! Its so peaceful and quiet! :) (plus I still get giddy watching the school closures wishing I was back in grade school when they announce a snow day...wasn't that the best!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Maya and Preston

Preston came and spent the night with us last Wednesday night. I took a few videos of him and Maya interacting. She thinks he is hysterical! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, we sure did!