Monday, June 8, 2009

so many parties so little time

This weekend was a little rough. We had four parties to go to and all of them were at scattered locations. But Maya was a total trooper so it made for a really fun weekend! On Saturday Me, DJ and Maya headed out in the morning, after making breakfast, to the mall to pick up a few things. We had to get a last minute present for one of the parties we were attending and a few other things. In true Ladd Lady form, I was totally stressed out the entire morning, while DJ in true Ladd Lady significant other form, was laid back and relaxed. He wanted to take our time at the mall. He kept saying "Honey I just want you to find something nice that you can where that you feel good in." And I kept saying, "Just forget it. We dont even have time to be shopping. I have presents to wrap, Maya needs a nap, I still have to shower, yada, yada...yada." Well, everything ended up working out just fine and we had an awesome day. Here's the recap....
After the mall we came home so Maya could take a nap. She decided she didn't want to take a nap so she had "quiet time" while we got ready. Then we headed out the house for our first party.
DJ's cousin Carlyn has a little boy, his name is Brayden. It was his 1st birthday. It was at Alfy's in Lynnwood. Have you guys ever been there? Its Alfy's on steroids. Seriously this place is HUGE!! Here are a few pictures.....

Brayden enjoying his own personal birthday cake!

I had to post this picture even though Maya isn't looking at the the camera. It just cracked me up seeing her little chubby wrist, arms and fat fingers clenched together. Ha!

Maya feeding herself....what a big girl! (I know it looks like there is nothing on the spoon. Its because there isn't, she was just trying to be a big girl)

After we left Alfy's we headed out to deep Monroe for Lilly's 2nd Birthday Party. This was Maya on the drive out there...

I'm pretty sure my Mom has a picture of me doing this same pose.

After we got out to Monroe Maya woke up but was still a little sensitive because of the lack of sleep. We got to hang out and play for a little while with Lilly and Romy. Here are a few pictures from the party...

Our little family.

After we left Monroe we headed back to Lynnwood for DJ's Cousin Sara's graduation dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. We had a great time at dinner but unfortunately by this time we were all so exhausted I forgot to take any pictures. Maya did great at dinner. She was a little antsy and wanted to be held but was good for the most part. She barely ate anything all day, partly I think because she was a little out of sorts from not napping. The only thing she ate was Saltine crackers the entire day. Oh well, by the looks of it she will be fine. Oh, and her Papa gave her some Spumoni ice cream at the end of dinner and of course she did not pass that up!

Sunday we had a nice relaxing morning. Maya and I got up and had our Sunday morning ritual of making coffee, playing together and watching food network. Doesn't get any better than that. At around Noon we started to get ready for the 4th and final party of the weekend. It was my Cousin Maddy's graduation party. We headed out there around 1:30 and spent the day with my family, bbq-ing, hanging out, catching up, enjoying each other. Maya did awesome once again. She didn't eat much but she played hard. She was doing really well with her walking too! I'm terrible, I didn't take ANY pictures today of the festivities. Oops. Here is one of her on the way out to Monroe...

After the party we took her home and got her in her pj's...

... about 5 minutes after we put Maya down, DJ went in to her room to check on her and this is what he saw. She was totally worn out from this weekend. She did so good and we feel so blessed to have such a good baby. Love you boo boo.

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