Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Maya is very into accessorizing! She likes wearing necklaces, sunglasses, etc. Her very favorite thing to do is go into our room and get into my jewelry box. She takes everything and tries to put it on like a necklace (rings, bracelets, hair ties) So we have found a few necklaces around the house that are just hers and she wears them around all the time. Also, every day that I pick her up from Paula's she's got her Mardi Gras beads on! Here are a few pictures I snagged of her the other day with her necklaces on. Daddy was brushing her teeth in the pictures too!

DJ likes to say "Maya have you been out with Auntie _____?" I wont say the name but her wild Auntie knows who she is! Ha! :)

1 comment:

Cami said...

And who would that auntie be that you guys are talking about? Certainly not Auntie Cami! She would never have done anything like that...must have been someone else? it you?