Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Maya Montage

I wanted to do a themed weekly blog posting and I think I have come up with it. Actually my photo taking abilities (or lack there of) combined with Maya's expressive face gave me the idea. So weekly I will do some sort of Maya Montage.

This weeks installment is Maya's first attempt at eating with a spoon.....

"Thanks for trusting me with the spoon Mom, but to you really have to make a fool out of me on the blog with all these pictures?....

...I think I am getting the hang of this (concentrate, concentrate).....

...I actually got some in my mouth (and on my shirt and on the side of my face) but still I actually got some in my mouth...yummy.....

.....thanks for treating me like a big girl and letting me eat with a big girl spoon. I feel so grown up and just like you guys. I love you Mama and Dada"

~ Maya

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