Monday, October 12, 2009

Our little Marshmallow thief

The other night DJ and I were winding down for the night and chatting about our day in the living room. Maya was playing with her mini kitchen minding her own business. After a few minutes I noticed Maya was being very quiet. I looked over and saw her going into the big kitchen, opening up one of the drawers, helping herself to a marshmallow, taking one little bite and then she would go and put the 1/2 eaten marshmallow on her mini kitchen counter. I told DJ..."shhhhhh don't say anything just observe what your little girl is doing". It was so cute! Of course we eventually told her that she couldn't help herself to marshmallows anymore which she wasn't too happy about, but it was one of those endearing moments.

These are the marshmallows that had accumulated

Her face after we told her she couldn't do that anymore

Photo op after she ran to Mama crying because Dad put the marshmallows where she couldn't reach them. Its tough being Maya! ha!

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