Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maya and Romy at the new house

She can sit up with some assistance....that head of hers is still too heavy to hold on her own :)
This is her "please pick me up Ma Ma stance"
Happy Baby
Romy chewing on Maya's little toy, both girls are learning how to share their things with each other
Maya and Romy~BFF's/Roomies
The girls

DJ, Maya and I have moved into a new house in Bothell. We are so excited and love the new place. The house is a split level and we are renting the upstairs and Joss, Rob and Romy are renting the downstairs. Even though it is separate it feels like we are one big happy family. On Sunday Joss and I wanted to get some cute pictures of the girls at the new house but Romy is so busy these days she wouldn't keep still. We did get a few cute ones though.

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