Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Always remember the little ones....

Today is the National Day of Remembrance for pregnancy and infant loss. This includes all babies who have died because of miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, or any other infant death.

I wanted to post this to not only remember those families who have lost their sons or daughters but to also remind others to always be thankful for every day you have with your children. I feel so blessed to have Maya and every day I spend with her the more and more I love her and cant imagine my life without her. I have a few blogs that I read that are written by moms that have lost their little ones. Every night when I pray with Maya next to her crib we thank God for another day and pray for all the babies who need protection, love, care and most importantly to know God and feel safe knowing he will take care of them. Here are a few blogs that I love and have cried over.....

Never take for granted the people in your life and the little ones that make our worlds so much more worth living for!

I love you all so much. I have some new pictures of Maya to post but I'll post them tomorrow. Right now I just want to reflect on those who have lost their babies and remember all of those little ones who we will see again someday soon.

P.S. I love and miss you Hayden. I think about you every day when I look at Maya.

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