Monday, September 15, 2008

Maya's 6 month appointment

Before the shots....
Chubby Baby~20lbs 8oz

Maya had her 6 month appointment today. She weighs 20lbs 8oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. "She is about the size of a 10 month old." ~Dr. Wu. She is meeting all of her milestones such as rolling over, saying a few words (such as dada, baba, and yaya), pushing up into the crawling position and eating solid foods. She was super happy this morning after she woke up and then reality set in when she had to have her shots. She was in good hands today though with Mrs. Paula. I cant believe 6 months has passed since the day I gave birth. Its been a wonderful 6 months, cant wait for the next 6!

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