Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Pioneer Woman

I had this brilliant idea to take Maya with me to have my cookbook signed by the one and only Pioneer Woman. I have been reading her blog for years now and have cooked a ton of her recipes. She makes me laugh on a daily basis and I think if she lived here we would be best friends. Anyways, I knew she had a lot of people that followed her blog but what I did not realize is so many of them were here in my own home town. Maya and I arrived a tad early to the event expecting to be there maybe 15-20 minutes waiting in line or something. After seeing how packed 1st Place Books was, I knew this would not be the case. We ended up waiting 6 hours to meet our dear blogger friend. We didn't stay there the whole time. We went and had something to eat, ran some errands, ate some cookies, looked at books, made some new friends, etc. In the end it was totally worth it. It was a mother/daughter bonding experience I will never forget. Bless her heart though, Maya was a total trooper the WHOLE time!

If you havent already, check out her hilarious blog at

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