Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Maya Moment

So those of you who really know me know that I have a HORRIBLE memory. It’s really something I can’t help. I am usually good with the long term memories but not very good with the short term. Either way, this blog is my attempt to not allow myself to forget any of the amazing, funny, special moments that we have had with Maya.

So every time I can (or remember to) I am going to post “A Maya Moment” so that you can all share and remember with me all of the sweet things she has done along the way and all of the unique, comical moments we have had. I’m sure most of them will be little things that only I as her mother find entertaining, but oh well! J

So here are a few Maya Moments that I never want to forget…..

~She loves to dance. When she dances she does this thing where she raises both of her hands almost like she raising the roof. It is adorable! She does this with any kind of music she hears. Even if you sing a little something to her or if there is a little snippet of music on a commercial on TV….she will raise the roof!

~If you blow in her face she tries to get you back. It’s so cute when she puckers up her lips and tries to blow back at you. So the other day I was bringing her in from the car and it was a little windy and she puckered up her lips and tried blowing back at the wind. She was laughing and trying to blow at the same time, it was one of those moments that was so sweet and I hope I never forget

~She hates sitting in a poopy diaper. It doesn’t matter if it just a little nugget or a big blowout, she hates having anything in her diaper and will let you know when she needs to be changed (she’s such a lady!)

~She is 11 months in a few days and still has not interest in crawling. DJ and I were talking the other night about how it would be if she never learned how to walk. We were joking around saying that he would have to build her a ramp everywhere so that she could roll out of the house, roll to work, etc. We really hope she starts crawling one of these days. J Its just another thing that makes her unique and different, right? Ha!

I’m such a proud Mama and I love her so much so I could probably go on and on and on but I won’t. Those are just a few things that I hope I never forget about her. She is so amazing and makes every day worth living to the fullest.

I hope you all have a happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh I cant wait to meet this little girl!! Such a cutie!!