Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Little Miss 'tude (attitude)

Maya has got a mind of her own and the other night she had no problem reminding us of that. Her normal bed time is between 6-7 depending on how she did with naps and her overall demeanour. On Sunday she took horrible naps partly because she has 3 teeth coming in. So we tried to put her down around 6:30 and she wasn't having it. Since Monday was Presidents Day we decided we would keep her up, wear her out, then try again. We sat her down by her toys and she instantly turned her back to us and didn't make a peep for 1 1/2 hours!!! It was hilarious. She sat with her back to us and played and could have cared less if we were in the room or not. This is very unlike her, she loves attention just like her Mama and Daddy. So here is how it went......

"If I just sit over here with my back turned maybe they'll just let me stay up and play all night long.....

...oh hey guys, forgot you were there....

(back to playing)

...seriously why don't they just leave me alone....

....hey, he he, you don't want to put me to bed I'm too cute.....

...ok, now I'm just annoyed! Why does she keep taking my picture?....

(back to playing)

...maybe if i huff, and puff, I'll blow her away....

...man, I'm funny....

....Mom, Dad, I love you so much! Thank you for letting me stay up way past my bedtime and letting me play. I love you! "
~ Maya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is too cute!! I love her trying to "blow" you away!! Love you tons!