Pres, DJ and Maya
The next morning in the car ready to go home
We had the very first cousin sleep over this last friday. Uncle DJ was more than confident that we could handle it and I have to say he was right! We had Pres and Nay Nay come over to our house and we had dinner, watched Land Before Time (one of my favs), made cookies and played in the bath. All of the kids were so good! I do have to share a little story though....
About a year or so back I we took care of Preston for a night. Not much has changed since then because back then all he wanted to do was come over to Mimi's house, hang out and take a bath. Well I was sitting in there with him and playing (he likes to make me imaginary coffee and soup with the bath water) well, then he goes "Mimi I want to be by myself" I apologize if you have already heard this story but you will understand in a minute why I'm telling it. Anyways, he was insistent on having a moment of privacy, so I thought ok, he's old I'll give him a minute alone. I come back into the the bathroom and Preston had a look on his face like he has really done something wrong. Well as I get closer I see a bunch of floaters in the bathtub. He then says "Mimi I pooped in the baff-tub" It was one of those moment where you really do want to laugh but then you are a slight bit irritated at the task at hand. Its not easy to clean a tub with poo floating in it.....
That brings me to this weekend. Maya went down early so the other two took a bubble bath. All was well until I picked Nay Nay up to get her toweled off and once again....floaters! That is twice now that this has happened! Bawa's explanation is that the kids just feel so relaxed at our house and that is why this I guess I should take it as a compliment?
Anyways, we all had a great time together. Everyone slept well except for Uncle DJ who was on the couch. DJ was so great with the kids and him and Nay Nay have quite a special bond. She would always go to him and would cry if he left the room. I think she may like him more than she likes her Auntie Mimi :(. We got up the next morning, Pres and Maya took another bath while Nay Nay and DJ slept in. I then took them back home. I loved having them and even though we were exhausted it was a nice glimpse into how it would be with a big family. We want to get a few more things in line but we hope that the dream of having a ton of little ones running around will soon come true!
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