Well I have broken the tradition of taking a picture of Maya on the scale at her well care appointments. Oops! Work has been crazy busy and I was late meeting DJ and Maya at the doctors office. I was REALLY disappointed that I couldn't take the picture but I was not about to try and get our restless toddler back on the scale. Her appointment went really good. She is once again hitting all of her marks. She is 28 lbs, 33 1/2 inches long and her head circumference I think was about 19 inches. All and all she is WAY off the charts on everything. The doctor said that she is the size of a 2 year old. That's my girl! Since she just started walking though, I think some of that weight may come off. At least she is not short and fat or tall and super skinny. She is perfectly proportioned. She is a smart little thing too! She showed Dr. Wu how she can do "itzy bitzy spider" and walked for her. Then right when Dr. Wu was walking out the door Maya goes "Byyyyyyyeeeee" ~ like a teenager would say. Ha! Dr. Wu turned around was was like "Did she really just do that? She sounded like an adult" Anyways, I'm so sad because I do not have a picture at the appointment (can you tell this is really upsetting to me since I've mentioned it so many times) so I will leave you with a picture that I didn't post from a few weeks ago and it may be some sort of clue as to why our baby is so chubby, or what we like to say Pleasantly Plump!
Here are a few 15 month facts about Maya:
- She has 6 teeth and more are coming in (partly why she hasn't been sleeping very well the last few days
- She says a ton of words and is repeating what we say. At the doctors office she was laying down on the table for the exam and Dr. Wu said "lets get up" and Maya said "up"
- She goes through stages of eating a ton and then not eating at all. I have noticed that she will eat just about anything you put in front of her if you allow her to eat with silverware. She likes to be independent!
- She is getting into everything, it is definitely time to start baby proofing EVERYTHING!
- I think her favorite word is still "no, no, no"
- She tries to put on her shoes by herself. It is so adorable, I'll try to get it on video for you all.
- Her favorite stuffed animal is Minnie Mouse that her Auntie Jossie brought back for her from Disney World. She sleeps with it every night.
- The only thing tiny about Maya is her feet. She is still in a size 3 and has been for the last 6 months at least.
- Her favorite toy is a big blue ball that we picked up for her from Target. She likes to sit across from you and roll it back and forth.
- She loves to go on walks and be out in the fresh air. She will not fuss one bit if we take her for a walk, she just sits and enjoys the scenery.
- Her favorite interactive game right now is "Izty Bitzy Spider" She puts her little fingers together and goes "ehh" and that means its time to sing!
- Speaking of singing she loves my voice. I know, I have a terrible singing voice but really it is the only thing that calms her down if she is crying.
- When we give her something that she likes or wants she will look at us and give us the biggest smile, then turn away and then look back again with a huge smile. Right now that is her way of saying thank you!
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