Friday, June 12, 2009

Bragging Rights

When DJ was laid off at the beginning of the year it was a little bit of a scary time for our family. He didn't know what to do, I didn't know how we were going to make it financially, we were worried, stressed, etc. Ya know the normal stuff that comes along with a major, unexpected change. So after countless job interviews and a ton of frustrating set backs, DJ decided to go back to school. What better time to get an education, right? He worked his butt of when he was a Marine and deserves to go to school and have it paid for.

So he started up at Shoreline spring quarter. He was a little nervous as anyone would be after not being in school for so long. He thought he would be the oldest student there(which he wasn't) , he didn't know how he would do with homework, test, reading textbooks, etc.

Well let me give you a little clue as to how he finished out his first quarter at Shoreline:

We was given this award last week by one of his teachers in his Intro to Business class. His team placed 2nd (out of 80 teams) in the business management simulation project. All quarter they had to run their own airline and DJ stayed up many nights working on this project. I am so proud of him and what he has accomplished already within his 1st quarter.

He has already received 2 out of the 3 grades for the classes he took. They are both A's! The last grade that he is waiting on is from his Business Law class and he killed the final so I'm sure he'll add another A to the other two. So his first quarter at Shoreline, he Aced all of his business classes and received an award for the amazing work he did. SO PROUD!!

To top it off he loves me so much that one night last week I came home to roses, a sweet card, and a clean house (the clean house part was just a normal day to day bonus that I get from him being home before me). Then this week he showed up at my office with two boxes from Nordstrom full of presents; a new shirt, sunglasses, another sweet card and perfume that I have wanted for the last 3 years! (no joke I have wanted this perfume for that long :)) I have a sweet, loving, intelligent man!

Alright I'm done bragging. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I'll leave you with a picture of our little girl in her big girl walker stance,

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