For those of you who just want to see the pictures from the ocean:
Meeting Great Grandpa Miller for the first time
For those of you who want all the details:
Me, DJ and Maya took off for the weekend to Westport, WA on the coast. We had an AWESOME weekend together. It was our first family trip that we have taken since Maya was born. We took off on Friday afternoon around 12 and headed out to the beach. We got stuck in horrible traffic since everyone was going out there for the holiday weekend. Maya did pretty good on the way down but started to kind of lose it when we were heading into Aberdeen. Once we got into town we stopped at Wally World and picked up a few things that we had forgotten. We then headed to the house that we rented for the weekend. It was a sweet little house right in the heart of Westport. It was perfect for our family. We quickly unpacked the car and headed over to DJ's Grandparents house over in Grayland to say a quick "hi" before dinner. We visited with family for a little while and then headed back to Westport. We ordered take out from this great little Mexican restaurant called Sergios and had a lazy night at the house. After Maya fell asleep DJ and I sat out on the porch swing and had a glass of wine, played a few games and then laid in bed and looked at all of our visitor information that was left for us at the house.
On Saturday DJ and Maya woke up early and went and got us all coffee. I slept in a little, well if you call sleeping in 6:45. Since the tide was out and DJ was SO excited to be at the ocean we decided to head to the beach and collect some sand dollars. We found so many!!! We filled Maya's sand bucket full of sand dollars, shells and cool looking rocks. Maya was hesitant with everything. She was unsure of the sand, water, etc. The only thing she was sure of was that she wanted either Mama or Dada to hold her the entire time instead of walking the beach. After our walk on the beach we got back to the car and Maya fell asleep. DJ and I decided to drive out to Tokeland which is the next town over for another round of coffee and since it is an Indian reservation, DJ wanted to check out some fireworks. DJ got stocked up and we headed back to Westport to get some breakfast and to look in the shops. We also checked out the aquarium that DJ went to when he was a kid but it is currently under construction and had no animals in it. :( We went back to our house to get changed for the day and went back to the beach. DJ's grandparents live right by the water so we loaded up a little wagon with our beach gear and Maya and headed out. We hung out on the beach and relaxed. It was so peaceful! We then attemped to go back to the house and lay Maya down for an afternoon nap but it turned into watching a movie and having some quiet time before the big evening we had ahead of us. That evening we went back to DJ's grandparents for a BBQ and then went back to the beach for a great fireworks show. Maya was so exhausted by this point that her and I went for a walk down by the water and she fell asleep in my arms instantly. This is one of those moments that I will treasure for the rest of my life. My sweet baby asleep in my arms and walking the beach listening to the waves crash. At that moment I really couldn't ask for more. Maya ended up sleeping through most of the fireworks but woke up for the finale. She was a little scared of them at first but then warmed up.
On Sunday we went into town again to get some Westport gear before heading back home. Sorry for the detailed description of our weekend but it was SO much fun and my memory is so terrible that I don't want to forget a single second of our time at the beach. In September we are headed back to the coast for a weekend with my entire extended family so Part 2 of our Ocean trip will be then. Hope you all had a safe, wonderful, relaxing weekend with your family.
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