Today Maya received a big package from her family in Oklahoma. Her Nana, Auntie Shonna, Shawn and cousins all live there. Her birthday presents consisted of a TON of cute outfits and a little stuffed animal. When we took everything out of the box I handed it to Maya to check out her new stuff. I gave her the dog and she looked at it and said "Bob". So I guess we have named the dog that Nana sent and his name is Bob. I tried to get a few good pictures of Maya and Bob but Maya wont sit still any more. Here are the few shots that I managed. The pj's that she is wearing in the shot are from her Auntie too! Maya is so loved by both her Seattle family and her family in Oklahoma. I just wish we were all in the same vicinity so we could be together all the time.
A BIG thank you to Shonna and Nana for all the gifts! We miss you a ton and send our love to you all!
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