Maya had her 12 month appointment yesterday!! I cant believe it has already been a year. WOW! It was a rough appointment. The poor thing has been waking up between 4-5am the last three weeks and it is taking a toll on all of us. So at her appointment she was getting sleeping (since she had been up since 5am) so we had sort of a hard time getting through it. She weighs 25 lbs 13 oz and is a little over 33 inches long (if I remember right?) In the picture DJ was holding her so the weight register is a little off. Right after we took her off the scale and she was safely in Daddy's arms she peed all over him. Oops! She is in the 97th percentile for height and weight and is off the charts in head circumference. She is hitting all her milestones plus some. She isn't quite walking but she is talking up a storm these days. She says "No, way!" and "You do it". Very advanced I might add. But she is still doesn't want to walk and many times isn't even interested in crawling. She likes to sit! ha! Here are some thing we are working on with Maya:
- Her waking up early (between 4am-5am) Somehow she has gotten off in her sleeping routine and all of us are feeling a little worn out. We are now "sleep training" her. We'll see how it goes. So far this morning....not so good!
- She has become a picky eater. Dr. Wu said it might just be a phase but to keep trying and introducing new fruits and vegetables. Right now she just likes anything with cheese...quesidillas, grilled cheese sandwich, pizza, etc. ~ it makes me cringe writing that because I want her to be a really healthy eater. We'll keep you posted on that as well
- Maya has been making this screeching sound when she wants our attention. It has got to be the most irritating noise I have ever heard. When you combine that with the lack of sleep you have two very grumpy parents. So..... we are to acknowledge her, tell her to stop making that noise, and then ignore the sound after that. We are not supposed to let her know that she is irritating us or that she in any way is getting more attention. This is quite hard and with my patience level right now I think this might be the most challenging thing for me out of everything.
Anyways, that about sums up her appointment. All I truly care about is the fact that she is a healthy, growing, smart little girl. We count our blessing every day. Bring on the sleepless nights, that does not compare to what other families are going through with their sick little ones. We are so grateful to have all that we do.
Happy Wednesday!
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