Maya turned 9 months old on Sunday so we took her appointment yesterday afternoon. DJ had to work so my Mom helped me by picking Maya up and I met them at the doctor's office. Maya is 23 pounds and a little over 30 inches long. She is off the charts in weight, height and head circumference. She is the size of a 12 months old! :) She also had a nasty ear infection last week that has cleared up beautifully! She met all of her milestones plus some. She says Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, No and Baba. She also will randomly say other stuff but those are the main words she is using right now. Her favorite game is peek-a-boo and she loves to clap for anything and everything and wave Bye Bye. She also is pointing which I guess is advanced for her age. Mrs. Paula has taught them to point instead of grab at things so Paula can be thanked for that! She had a few shots but calmed down once we gave her a bottle and held her for a little bit. All and all it was a good appointment. I cant a believe how fast my little girl is growing! It makes me sad. I want her to stay little forever!
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