DJ gave the girls Oreo's the other night and Maya took her Oreo, split it in half, and started eating the inner part first. Hmmmmm, either she has had these before or she is just a girl who knows to go for the good stuff first. Ha! I snapped a few shots of the girls, they looked like a couple of bearded women! :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I think I cried more than Maya!
Maya had a big fall the other day. She was running and lost her footing and fell right smack down on her nose. She cried for about 2 minutes and then was fine. I was shaking the whole time and when the blood started to come out of her nose is when I really lost it! Turns out everything was fine, no concussion, no broken nose but I was a total freak of a mother. I was so upset that when I called DJ tell him what happened he almost couldn't understand me. There is nothing like seeing your child in pain. I know what your thinking, wow drama queen, but I was genuinely worried! Here is my sweet angel at the doctors office waiting to be seen. I was crying and she kept looking at me like "Mama what's wrong?"
Date Night
Last weekend DJ and I went bowling with Dan and Angie. We all had a total blast and won a little money too. Its called midnight bowling and whenever you have colored pins up in certain positions, if you bowl a strike, you can win anywhere from $.50-$10! I think we won about $15 total. It was pretty fun. I won the first game and Dan won the last two games. My first game (the best game I bowled) I had 5 strikes but none of them were money shots. Then I choked when the colored pins came up on the other two games. Oh well, it was a great date night!
I love Fall!
I know I mentioned this in one of my previous posts but I LOVE Fall! It is my favorite season. Last weekend we took Maya out to one of the pumpkin patches by our house. It was just a little farm but we had a nice time picking out a few pumpkins as a family. It was a horrible rainy day but the rain subsided just for 1/2 hour or so while we went out into the field to pick our pumpkin. After we left we stopped at the little coffee stand and got some caramel apple cider (my favorite) and then headed over to DJ's Grandparents house so that he could carve his pumpkin. You cant ask for more when you get to spend a beautiful Fall day with family!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Maya's 18 Months!!!
Maya had her 18 month check up today. Here are her stats : 29 lbs, 35 inches long and her head circumference is....lets just say large. Since I can remember her stats have always been off the charts. We always have a 97+ mark by her percentile but today was the first time her weight was just 95-97 %. Which means she was described by her doctor as "long and lean"!!! Can you believe it? Ha, I think Dr. Wu was just being nice. I would go as far as calling her lean but she is starting to grown a little more length wise and a little less weight wise. The doctor said that most people will assume that Maya is 2 instead of just 18 months because of her size and because she is so advance with her vocabulary. When we first checked in the nurse asked if Maya could say 2-3 words. We proudly said "Actually, she can say 2-3 word sentences."
I tried to get a picture of her on the scale but she was feeling a little camera shy. This might be the last time she sits on the scale. :( My little baby is growing way too fast!
Here are a few facts about Maya:
- Her favorite word right now is "Mine". Everything is mine. The other morning she wouldn't give up her wet towel from her bath. She kept saying "my towel". Ok whatever!
- Her favorite toy right now is her little kitchen. We went last weekend and got some fake food so that she can play with it more.
- She is still a little top heavy (she has a large head) so she falls down a lot. She loves to run and jump but sometimes has more bumps and bruises because of her big head.
- She loves shoes. She can say shoe, or my shoe or Mama's shoe or Daddy's shoe. Even after I put pj's on her at night she sits down and says "shoes?"
- All of a sudden she is attached to inanimate objects such as blankets, coats, stuffed animals. She has become a little territorial.
- She loves to read. Right now her favorite book is Ring around the Rosie and a picture book because she knows all of the pictures and can say almost all of the words (car, spoon, apple)
- She is still a picky eater. Right now our only dinner options are chicken nuggets, quesidilla, grilled cheese sandwich or pancakes.
- She doesn't like juice she only wants "molk" (milk) ha!
- She now tells us when she has pooped. She will say "I pooped" grab your hand and take you into her room and to the changing table. I think we are going to get her a potty just to see if maybe she might want to start using it.
- Her favorite people right now are her cousins, aunties, uncles, papa, bawa, romy, and of course Mama and Dada.
We love her so much and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful child. Words cant even describe how happy she makes us and how privileged we feel to be her parents!
I tried to get a picture of her on the scale but she was feeling a little camera shy. This might be the last time she sits on the scale. :( My little baby is growing way too fast!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Our little Marshmallow thief
The other night DJ and I were winding down for the night and chatting about our day in the living room. Maya was playing with her mini kitchen minding her own business. After a few minutes I noticed Maya was being very quiet. I looked over and saw her going into the big kitchen, opening up one of the drawers, helping herself to a marshmallow, taking one little bite and then she would go and put the 1/2 eaten marshmallow on her mini kitchen counter. I told DJ..."shhhhhh don't say anything just observe what your little girl is doing". It was so cute! Of course we eventually told her that she couldn't help herself to marshmallows anymore which she wasn't too happy about, but it was one of those endearing moments.
These are the marshmallows that had accumulated
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Little Mamas
Paula and Ron gave Maya a little kitchen with a refrigerator, stove, microwave, sink, etc. Maya loves it so much and has been playing with it non-stop since we got it. I love to see her use her imagination. The other night she was "fixing" me and DJ dinner and bringing us various plates and bowls full of imaginary food.
On Tuesday DJ had something downtown to do so me and Joss were at home with the girls. After we gave them a bath the girls played with the kitchen and made all sorts of yummy treats for their Mamas. It is so neat to see them interact together.
For right now the kitchen is in our big kitchen but will be moved this weekend when we do some rearranging in Maya's room.
Fall is here! Woo hoo!
Fall is by far my favorite season. I love when the leaves start changing, when there is a crispness in the air but still sunny outside, it gets dark earlier so the house gets cool and it makes you want to bake cookies and try new comfort food recipes.....
Sorry going off on a fall tangent. Seattle's first day of Autum was 85 degrees outside which was a total downer. But this week, finally, fall is here. Which means the rain came as well, oh well. Maya was all bundled up in her car seat the other day and I thought she looked so cute!

Sorry going off on a fall tangent. Seattle's first day of Autum was 85 degrees outside which was a total downer. But this week, finally, fall is here. Which means the rain came as well, oh well. Maya was all bundled up in her car seat the other day and I thought she looked so cute!
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