Maya had her 18 month check up today. Here are her stats : 29 lbs, 35 inches long and her head circumference is....lets just say large. Since I can remember her stats have always been off the charts. We always have a 97+ mark by her percentile but today was the first time her weight was just 95-97 %. Which means she was described by her doctor as "long and lean"!!! Can you believe it? Ha, I think Dr. Wu was just being nice. I would go as far as calling her lean but she is starting to grown a little more length wise and a little less weight wise. The doctor said that most people will assume that Maya is 2 instead of just 18 months because of her size and because she is so advance with her vocabulary. When we first checked in the nurse asked if Maya could say 2-3 words. We proudly said "Actually, she can say 2-3 word sentences."
Here are a few facts about Maya:
- Her favorite word right now is "Mine". Everything is mine. The other morning she wouldn't give up her wet towel from her bath. She kept saying "my towel". Ok whatever!
- Her favorite toy right now is her little kitchen. We went last weekend and got some fake food so that she can play with it more.
- She is still a little top heavy (she has a large head) so she falls down a lot. She loves to run and jump but sometimes has more bumps and bruises because of her big head.
- She loves shoes. She can say shoe, or my shoe or Mama's shoe or Daddy's shoe. Even after I put pj's on her at night she sits down and says "shoes?"
- All of a sudden she is attached to inanimate objects such as blankets, coats, stuffed animals. She has become a little territorial.
- She loves to read. Right now her favorite book is Ring around the Rosie and a picture book because she knows all of the pictures and can say almost all of the words (car, spoon, apple)
- She is still a picky eater. Right now our only dinner options are chicken nuggets, quesidilla, grilled cheese sandwich or pancakes.
- She doesn't like juice she only wants "molk" (milk) ha!
- She now tells us when she has pooped. She will say "I pooped" grab your hand and take you into her room and to the changing table. I think we are going to get her a potty just to see if maybe she might want to start using it.
- Her favorite people right now are her cousins, aunties, uncles, papa, bawa, romy, and of course Mama and Dada.
We love her so much and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful child. Words cant even describe how happy she makes us and how privileged we feel to be her parents!

I tried to get a picture of her on the scale but she was feeling a little camera shy. This might be the last time she sits on the scale. :( My little baby is growing way too fast!