Thursday, October 23, 2008

My little pumpkin at the patch

Maya is always hamming it up for the camera!
My little pumpkin

I love this picture! Dad doesnt like the hat much but i think its adorable!

The girls at the patch

Me and my baby girl!

Last Sunday Joss and I took the girls to the pumpkin patch. It was one of those perfect fall days where the sun was out and but the air was cool. We put them in a cart and wheeled them around till we found the perfect pumpkins to put on our porch. We had a great day being outside and doing something fun with them. There are many more days like this to come...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maya and Romy at the new house

She can sit up with some assistance....that head of hers is still too heavy to hold on her own :)
This is her "please pick me up Ma Ma stance"
Happy Baby
Romy chewing on Maya's little toy, both girls are learning how to share their things with each other
Maya and Romy~BFF's/Roomies
The girls

DJ, Maya and I have moved into a new house in Bothell. We are so excited and love the new place. The house is a split level and we are renting the upstairs and Joss, Rob and Romy are renting the downstairs. Even though it is separate it feels like we are one big happy family. On Sunday Joss and I wanted to get some cute pictures of the girls at the new house but Romy is so busy these days she wouldn't keep still. We did get a few cute ones though.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Always remember the little ones....

Today is the National Day of Remembrance for pregnancy and infant loss. This includes all babies who have died because of miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, or any other infant death.

I wanted to post this to not only remember those families who have lost their sons or daughters but to also remind others to always be thankful for every day you have with your children. I feel so blessed to have Maya and every day I spend with her the more and more I love her and cant imagine my life without her. I have a few blogs that I read that are written by moms that have lost their little ones. Every night when I pray with Maya next to her crib we thank God for another day and pray for all the babies who need protection, love, care and most importantly to know God and feel safe knowing he will take care of them. Here are a few blogs that I love and have cried over.....

Never take for granted the people in your life and the little ones that make our worlds so much more worth living for!

I love you all so much. I have some new pictures of Maya to post but I'll post them tomorrow. Right now I just want to reflect on those who have lost their babies and remember all of those little ones who we will see again someday soon.

P.S. I love and miss you Hayden. I think about you every day when I look at Maya.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ma and Mick's 10 Year Anniversary

Bawa and some of her grandchildren (Maya, Jayden and Pres)Pres and Nomi
Avery enjoying her cupcake
Nomi loving on the frosting
Sugar high :)
Maya, Ma and Avery
Ma, Mick and the grandkids
Maya and Bawa
Ma and DJ laughing it up!

Last night we celebrated Ma and Micks 10 year anniversary! For DJ and Maya it was the first time they had met Mick's kids and their families. Max made and awesome dinner and Holly and Ryan were the best hosts! We had a great time being with everyone. Maya has been a little under the weather so we had to scoot out early. :( Great party~ Happy Anniversary you two!~

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biter Biscuit and Scrunchy Face

Letting the gut hang while eating a biter biscuit
Biter Buscuit face
Scrunchy face...... surprised I'm laughing at her!

Maya is so interested in adult food that we have given her biter biscuits in addition to her baby food and formula. Its good for her to get the hand eye coordination going and it allows us to eat our food without her grunting at us! :) She is also doing this new thing when a camera is around and you say scrunchy face she scrunches up her face and then gets this really surprised look when you start laughing. She is such a ham and so aware when a camera is on her that she gets this big smile and scrunches her face to where you can barely see her eyes! So cute!