This year for Thanksgiving we went down to my Aunt and Uncles place in Vancouver. DJ met the rest of the Ladd family and the woman who started it all, My grandma! She was thrilled to hear we were having a girl. I haven't seem my grandma that tickled in a long time! Here are a few pictures of the family on Thanksgiving day, I will add more as I get them.........

So for all of you who don't know my Dad, he is a character! The first thing he said to me when he saw me was "My you've gotten fat." - At least my belly is because of a baby and not beer! So we took a side by side picture of our tummy's! His was a little exaggerated....mine was not! :)

Me, DJ, my Dad and Carol spent the night down in downtown Portland the night of Thanksgiving. We woke up to the local parade going down the street right outside of our hotel room. It was pretty cheesy but fun to watch. We ended up walking around Portland that morning, getting Starbucks, going to Nike Town and catching the train to go get breakfast. We all had a great time together.